Cappuccini Lemon

Condiment Based on EVO Oil and Fresh Lemons
Raggiola, Leccino, Maurino, Picholine
The soil is predominantly calcareous with a clay matrix, with perfect granulation for water drainage, suitable for accommodating and enhancing the olive cultivars grown at an average height of 400 meters above sea level. The cultivation system includes the polyconic vase, with a planting density of 277 plants/Ha and a spacing of 6x6. The average yield per plant is 20 kilograms of olives, equivalent to 2.4 liters of oil. (Oil yield: 12%).
The olive harvest begins in the first days of October, facilitated by electric combs and nets. Within a few hours, the fruits are taken to the company's oil mill.
After an initial defoliation and cleaning of the olives, they are crushed together with fresh lemons through a series of hammers with varying speeds (from 2800 to 4800 rpm). The resulting paste is directed into the malaxers, where continuous rotation and a temperature not exceeding 26°C allow the oil to surface. A first centrifuge will separate the solid part, called pomace and the fibrous part of the lemon, from the liquid part, composed of oil, vegetation water, and citrus juices. The oily part derives from the olives and the essential oil present on the lemon peel. These two parts will be separated in a second centrifuge. The obtained oil is stored in steel tanks.
The oils are filtered and kept in steel tanks, at a controlled temperature and saturated with nitrogen, for proper preservation, avoiding alterations. To confirm this, small bottlings are carried out at a time, ensuring the stability of the quality over time.
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